Why Haneef Hussain and Mir Abbas had to leave their country . . . for ours
Haneef Hussain and his
cousin Mir Abbas come from the remote village of Haramosh
in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The village of Haramosh is
internationally known as ‘Haramosh Group of Mountains’, because of its
beautiful valley with natural lakes, forests and snow covered high
mountains and large glaciers. It is like a heaven on earth. But it is
also like a hell on earth.
As we can see from the updated
letter from Haneef Hussain and Mir Abbas below, the risks in trying to
make it to Australia appear far less than the risks to their lives by
staying in their homeland. But as we reported earlier this week, Haneef Hussain and Mir Abbas were on refugee boast that were turned around by the Abbott Government.
We, Haneef Hussain and Mir Abbas solemnly declare that we belong to
the minority Shia community by faith and our place of origin is
Pakistan, in the administered disputed territory of Gilgit-Baltistan.
The purpose of seeking asylum and refuge in Australia is the well found
fear of being persecuted for reasons of belonging to the Shia minority.
Since the rise of Taliban in Afghanistan and particularly after
September 11, 2001, the Taliban and other religious extremist groups
have made it hard to live in Pakistan for Shia minorities. Mostly in
Religious extremism is prevalent in Pakistan. Members of the Shia
community have been targeted in a number of attacks. There have been
several incidents of killing of Shia Muslims and bomb blasts in the Shia
mosque in Pakistan. The Sunni extremist groups allied to or inspired by
al-Qaeda and the Taliban routinely attack government and civilian
targets in north-west Pakistan. They also attack the religious
minorities and other Muslim sects that they consider to be infidels. The
Shias in Pakistan frequently complain that the Pakistani state does
little to stop the attacks and has even released from custody notorious
militants accused of carrying them out. Gilgit-Baltistan is
geographically sandwiched between Pakistan, China and India. It is
linked with Pakistan through Karakoram Highway (KKH). In February 2012,
sectarian gunmen ambushed a bus on KKH, killing 18 Shia minority Muslims
after checking the ID Cards in the neighbours of the former Taliban
stronghold of Swat. The rise of extremism and growth of unrest in
Gilgit-Baltistan shows that sectarianism is officially being promoted as
a calibrated policy to keep people engaged in trivial issues. A
systematic ethnic cleansing of Shia community is being carried out in
the Pakistan administered Gilgit-Baltistan. In another accident, 6 buses
were torched and more than ten Shia passengers were killed in Chilas in
April 2012. Similarly in August 2012, a passenger van of our village
was attacked with an IED killing one of our relatives. Similarly, in
August 2012, at least 25 members of the Shia community were killed in
the Kohistan district when armed men intercepted four buses en route to
our hometown Gilgit, lined the people up and opened indiscriminate fire
on the passengers.
Keeping in view, our fears of being persecuted, we restricted our traveling to Islamabad Pakistan.
Therefore, I humbly requested humanitarian agencies to provide asylum
in their any peaceful country. We do solemnly affirm that we will be
abiding by all rules and regulations of that country country government. LOOKING FOR PEACE we
are both in Indonesia Jakarta from last year September 2013. Look
forward to humanitarian response. For why Haneef Hussain had to leave
his country from Gilgit Baltistan, following story can help to imagine
the situation at that time as immediate cause; the killing of about 15
passengers of the Shia community, after they were taken off the buses in
the Chilas area, Diamer district, is a gruesome act of violence. The
trail of sectarian unrest dates back to the radical Islamisation
policies of former military dictator Gen Zia. The sectarian monster is
raising its ugly head in the country. In Gilgit Batistan this menace
emerged after the 1980s when fanatics from tribal areas, Kohistan and
Diamer attacked Gilgit. The planned and organised settlement of
non-locals from tribal areas, Kohistan, Kashmir and some parts of Punjab
further deteriorated the situation. It totally changed the demography
of the locals. In the 1990s the ratio of locals to non-locals was 4:1
but now it has been raised to 4:3. The consecutive trail of untoward
incidents and growth of unrest in GB shows that sectarianism is
officially being promoted as a calibrated policy to keep people engaged
in trivial issues. Keeping in mind the sensitivity and geographical
importance of GB, the divide and rule policy must be shunned, as India
already claims that GB is its integral part. GB might be the second
Balochistan if the grievances of this region are not entertained.
GILGIT: All the six districts of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) remained in
the grip extreme tension and mourning on Wednesday on the occasion of
funeral of 18 members of Shia community who were killed in Kohistan on
Tuesday. Collective funeral prayers of 11 victims of the tragedy were
held at Imamia Jamia Masjid Gilgit and the bodies were later sent to
their native areas for burial. To maintain law and order curfew was
imposed in Gilgit after 12pm. Local residents were restricted to their
houses while roads presented a deserted look. All the government and
private offices, educational institutions and business centres across
Gilgit-Baltistan remained closed on Wednesday as three day mourning has
been announced. Security in the six districts of Gilgit-Baltistan was
put on red alert. All exit and entry points to Gilgit were completely
sealed on the directives of the Deputy Commissioner and Section 144 has
also been imposed banning assembly of four or more persons and the
display of arms. Educational institutions have also been closed in
Gilgit for three days as a precautionary measure in the wake of a
possible violent reaction by the victim community members. Ahmad Marwat,
claiming to be the commander of the militant group, Jundallah, claimed
responsibility for the attack. Survivors said seven to eight killers
were involved in the attack. Violence erupted in Gilgit as a result of
the sectarian attack, claiming at least one life. The deceased has been
identified as Ubaidullah, who was shot dead near the public school
roundabout in the Joeyal area. — INP APP adds: UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon strongly condemned Tuesday’s attack in Kohistan in which gunmen
killed 18 people after ordering them off a bus on the Islamabad-Gilgit
route. The secretary-general extended his heartfelt condolences to the
families of the victims of the ‘abhorrent attack,’ as well as to the
government of Pakistan, according to a statement issued by his
spokesperson. “The United Nations stands by Pakistan in its efforts to
combat the scourge of terrorism and extremism, which continues to claim
the lives of so many Pakistanis,” the statement added.Given the disputed
legacy of the area, it is still deprived of its basic constitutional
rights and other rights even after more than 60 years…unemployment,
disease, and unfair exploitation of resources had already worsened the
socio-economic situation. Though the terrorist threat is a global
phenomenon but in Pakistan minorities, specially Shia Muslims are
brutally being killed. Witnessing a series of atrocities on Karakorum
Highway, the only land line to link Gilgit Baltistan to the rest of
Pakistan, Shias in Gilgit-Baltistan were left helpless. PIA flight is
rare in the area … in case of emergency poor people cannot afford the
ticket as it is too costly compare to other cities in the country.
Immediately this and many other issues led mostly Shia people of the
area as well as from other parts of the country, to seek asylum in west
so that they could earn for their families in Pakistan to make both ends
Attack on our Hostel in Gilgit city: we the
students of backward village with our younger brothers and family
relatives we used to stay in Bagrote hostel are studying in different
schools and colleges.one day the terrorist group targeted our hostel at
midnight and they opened fired on our rooms from windows while we were
sleeping inside.and our one friends lost his life in that attack while
the rest were safe because of a miracle, the activist group’s guns
didn’t worked and they to run for their life in this way we survived at
that time. GILGIT: Police have nabbed four persons in
Gilgit on Saturday in hostel attack case that occurred the other night,
while in Ghanche district the man behind the bomb blast has been
arrested along with one of his accomplices and explosive-making material
early Saturday, police said. One man died while three others sustained
injuries after unidentified armed men attacked a men’s hostel in
Konodas, Gilgit at about 12:15 a.m. on Saturday. The assailants lobbed a
grenade into a room of the “Bagrot Hostel” before opening fire on the
inmates. The secretary home said that four people had been arrested and
investigations were on. The IGP Khurshid Alam said that police had
recovered remnants of 7.MM gun bullets and scratches of an explosive
used in the ambush from the spotSo any time we need to come gilgit, for
study for medical care etc. At the time on they way from our village to
Gilgit many villages of Sunni community they attack on our passenger
vans and killing us. Attack on the Heramosh Shia passenger van he heramosh Shia passenger van occurred
on Sunday near Minawar, Gilgit as an explosive device attached beneath a
culvert was triggered when the passenger van, on its way to Haramosh,
crossed over it. The attack had left one Shia passenger Shujat Abbas
martyred and four severely injured.
The rising incidents of attacks on Shia Muslims and passengers in
Gilgit-Baltistan province reflects the poor law and order situation in
Shia dominated province of Pakistan, where the Wahhabi militants
involved in the target killing of Shia Muslims.
In our religion not allow to kill any one our Islamic leaders have
not allow to take revenge any one we want peace around the world and
another side the other extreme Sunni Muslim groups leader give free hand
to kill Shia people and if they kill Shia they must go to heaven.
prominent Shia and prayer leader of Gilgit’s Imamia Mosque, in January
2005. On January 13 he succumbed to injuries sustained during an attack
in Gilgit on January 8. One of the assailants killed by his bodyguards
was later identified as a cadre of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. socially and
economically, since the 1970s. Agha Ziauddin’s death in January 2005
caused widespread clashes leading to a six-month long curfew and
emergency, and loss of more than two hundred lives. Allama Turabi, shot
dead in Karachi on July 14, 2006, hailed from Baltistan and was the
President of Tehrik Jafaria of Pakistan (TJP). His death has been termed
as detrimental to Shia rights.
Every incidents after curfew &
emergency imposed in the city and troops called in to control the
situation for long time schools, colleges everything closed that time.
When we need high education medical, engineering etc. So we move from
Gilgit city to another cities of Pakistan because of education and jobs
too, so the way Gilgit to capital of Pakistan Islamabad during way the
terrorist attack on our passenger buses and they check our id cards
after they shoot us because we are Shia Muslims. February 2012, Kohistan Massacre refers to the massacre of 18 Shia Muslim residents of Gilgit.
emergency imposed in the city and troops called in to control the
situation for long time schools, colleges everything closed that time.
When we need high education medical, engineering etc. So we move from
Gilgit city to another cities of Pakistan because of education and jobs
too, so the way Gilgit to capital of Pakistan Islamabad during way the
terrorist attack on our passenger buses and they check our id cards
after they shoot us because we are Shia Muslims. February 2012, Kohistan Massacre refers to the massacre of 18 Shia Muslim residents of Gilgit.
Baltistan travelling by bus from
Rawalpindi, Punjab to Gilgit, Gilgit Baltistan in Pakistan. The buses
were stopped in Kohistan and the victims killed based on their religious
affiliation by individuals dressed in Military uniforms. The dead
included three children while 27 other passengers on the bus were spared
Sectarian violence in Pakistan, mostly Gilgit-Baltistan. Tuesday, 3 April 2012, at
least six passenger buses were stopped by Al Qaeda affiliated Ahle
Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) militants in Bonar Das area in Chilas (Gilgit
Baltistan),passengers were segregated by checking their identity
documents, those found or believed to be Shia Muslims were shot dead and
many other Shias were kidnapped – See more at: http://lubpak.com/archives/75456#sthash.ruFRzMm3.dpuf 16August 2012 As many as 25 Shia Muslims have been forced out of a bus and killed in a sectarian attack in northern Pakistan, Gilgit Baltistan.
The killings took place in a remote and mountainous area about 160km
(100 miles) north of the capital Islamabad as the bus was travelling
from the city of Rawalpindi to the city of GilgitReligious extremism is
prevalent in Gilgit. Members of the Shia community have been targeted in
a number of attacks against the Shias in the country. There have been
several Incidents of killing of Shia Muslims and bomb blasts in the Shia
mosque in Pakistan.
Rawalpindi, Punjab to Gilgit, Gilgit Baltistan in Pakistan. The buses
were stopped in Kohistan and the victims killed based on their religious
affiliation by individuals dressed in Military uniforms. The dead
included three children while 27 other passengers on the bus were spared
Sectarian violence in Pakistan, mostly Gilgit-Baltistan. Tuesday, 3 April 2012, at
least six passenger buses were stopped by Al Qaeda affiliated Ahle
Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) militants in Bonar Das area in Chilas (Gilgit
Baltistan),passengers were segregated by checking their identity
documents, those found or believed to be Shia Muslims were shot dead and
many other Shias were kidnapped – See more at: http://lubpak.com/archives/75456#sthash.ruFRzMm3.dpuf 16August 2012 As many as 25 Shia Muslims have been forced out of a bus and killed in a sectarian attack in northern Pakistan, Gilgit Baltistan.
The killings took place in a remote and mountainous area about 160km
(100 miles) north of the capital Islamabad as the bus was travelling
from the city of Rawalpindi to the city of GilgitReligious extremism is
prevalent in Gilgit. Members of the Shia community have been targeted in
a number of attacks against the Shias in the country. There have been
several Incidents of killing of Shia Muslims and bomb blasts in the Shia
mosque in Pakistan.
Evan not safe our security high officers because these offers
security our passenger buses on they way so the also killed by target
killing by the same terrorist on this way.
GILGIT, Aug 6: Suspected militants killed an army colonel, a captain
and a senior superintendent of police (SSP) in an ambush on the
latter’s vehicle in the remote northern town of Chilas, headquarters of
Diamer district, on Monday night.
DSP Mohammad Navid says the attack had taken place at Ronai point
near the residence of the deputy commissioner when the officials were
returning after attending a meeting convened by him to discuss
intelligence reports that high-profile personalities were likely to be
targeted by militants. ISLAMABAD / GILGIT: Gunmen dressed as
paramilitary forces killed nine foreign tourists in an unprecedented
attack in the Himalayas of Gilgit-Baltistan, in a security failure bound
to embarrass the new government just weeks after it took office.
The gunmen stormed into a base camp, killing Chinese and Ukrainian
climbers in an area of the far-flung north not previously associated
with violence or militancy.
The killings will jeopardise the only foreign tourism that remains in
Pakistan – that of mountaineers – the few international tourists to
still visit a country troubled by al Qaeda and Taliban violence.
Officials said five Ukrainians and a number of Chinese were killed.
One Pakistani also died and one Chinese survivor has been recovered, the
government said.
climbers were staying at a first camp, around 4,200 feet from Nanga
Parbat, one of the highest mountains in the world, in the Diamer
district of Gilgit-Baltistan. Ban Ki-moon ‘appalled’ by Gilgit-Baltistan sectarian killing of shia Ban-Ki-moon
UN leader Ban Ki-moon was “appalled” by the sectarian killing of 20
Shiite Muslims who were dragged off a bus in Pakistan on Thursday, The
secretary general expresses his outrage over such deliberate attacks on
people due to their religious beliefs in Pakistan,” said a statement
released by UN spokesman Martin Nesirky which strongly condemned the
attack. Gunmen dragged the Shiite travellers off a bus in the
northwestern district of Mansehra and killed them at point blank range,
officials said. It was the third attack of its kind in six months.
Karakoram Highway way is very dangerous for us mostly Shia minority
Muslims. Gigit city is the capital of Pakistan’s far northern
Gilgit-Baltistan region, and is seen as a gateway to the Karakoram and
Himalayan mountain ranges.
The killings took place in a remote and mountainous area about 160km
(100 miles) north of the capital Islamabad as the bus was travelling
from the city of Rawalpindi to the city of Gilgit,Sectarian violence has
killed hundreds of shia muslims on that way.Evan The banned Lashkare
Jangavi threatened us every time. Every person is alive in peace. we
want peace. We want peace around the world we have no demand to resettle
in peaceful place we want only peace to spend a peaceful life. We have
requested international media to raise the target killing and justice
for Shias in Gilgit Baltistan. We strongly condemn the targeted Shias
killing in Gilgit Baltistan and we appeal to the international media to
raise this issue internationally and expect the United Nations to give
us justice.
Best wishes Haneef Hussain & Mir Abbas
More details:
“At least three people were killed
and nine others injured when a roadside bomb hit a passenger van near
Gilgit town on Thursday, October 3,2014″. Two others, one girl aged 18
and a boy aged 14 are still missing. The people of Haramosh valley (from
where Haneef Hussein and Mir Abbas belong to) are in mourning. The road
side bomb blast was on the eve when Muslims around the world were
preparing to enjoy religious celebrations. Two others, one girl aged 18
and a boy aged 14 are still missing.
and nine others injured when a roadside bomb hit a passenger van near
Gilgit town on Thursday, October 3,2014″. Two others, one girl aged 18
and a boy aged 14 are still missing. The people of Haramosh valley (from
where Haneef Hussein and Mir Abbas belong to) are in mourning. The road
side bomb blast was on the eve when Muslims around the world were
preparing to enjoy religious celebrations. Two others, one girl aged 18
and a boy aged 14 are still missing.
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